Wednesday, 2 January 2013

We are all behind you Malik

THANK YOU for taking the time to visit us here at Malik's Fight and wanting to find out more about who we are and what we are about.  Malik is a 14 year old boy who has been fighting Brain Cancer and we are the friends of Malik and his family, that refuse to sit back and watch as they fight this battle alone. 

WE WANT TO SHOW MALIK that there are people all over the world who know his story, who are thinking about him and want to show their support. We want to try and give the family a sense of comfort, and let them know that they are not going through this alone, that there are people behind them and most importantly, they are all behind Malik as he takes on the biggest fight of his life.

WE WANT TO TELL YOU MALIKS STORY  and to tell you that Malik is just a boy who loves Wrestling, Bikes and playing cards. He has a 10 year old brother and his father is a Wrestler. He does beading and makes and sells bracelets and necklaces, he is only 14 and already becoming an entrepreneur. His life took a huge unexpected turn which totally blindsided their family and has thrown everything they know as 'normal' into complete darkness. They have to light a new path now in their lives and we don't want them to walk it alone. Every waking moment hinders on what the cancer decides to do on that day. Instead of spending Christmas at home like most other children, he spent his day in the hospital. No child should have to go through this at all and no one should ever have to go through any of it alone. 

OVER THE NEXT FEW POSTS WE WILL TELL HIS STORY and then follow him on his journey. We would like to keep you posted on his progress, raise awareness about his condition, post video's from Malik and publish diary postings. We will be arranging some charity events and doing some local fundraising and we will keep you up to date with their successes as well as all the amazing responses we receive from around the world on twitter, facebook and email. 

Some may wonder why they should take too much notice of his story as there are so many other children and adults that are in the same position.... we wish we could tell you everybody's story, everyone deserves to have their story told..... we can only tell you Malik's story....


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  1. Hey Malik! Wow! You are such a brave boy and so handsome. Your story is touching a lot of people's hearts. I hope you get better soon. I'll be thinking about you and praying. You will come out the other side a hero! Love, your fan. ;)

  2. Malik some of are praying for you. I just became aware of the battle you are on and wanted you to know you are not alone. I pray God heals your body and I truly Believe He will Jesus loves you and will be a comfort to you if you will allow Him to. Personally He has comforted me and helped me through a battle with cancer and I am believing for a miracle. I am believing for one for you as well. Keep a positive outlook as you can.


Hello everyone, we have finally enabled commenting on our blog so that you can all post messages of encouragement and best wishes to Malik and his family. Please respect each other and remember that it is all about Malik. Thank you